Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Latin Vegetarian Omelets(unless your one of those vegetarians that doesnt eat eggs then, sorry) & Pancakes

Best Breakfast Evaaa!

Well..kinda, I woke up really hungry so I made an epic omelet using random stuff from my amazing friends Christina and Kim's fridge. While Kim made some delicious pancakes!
It gave my day a great start (and not just because I got to sleep in until 11!). Food does the craziest thing, not only being a source of nourishment for our bodies but also having the power to change our moods for the better. Dont believe me? Test it one day;

Challenge #1- Go through a tough day of work(make sure you have a headache and a sour mood), then eat a big plate of something warm and delicious that you've been craving. Then see how much more delightful life is after. :)

Even more amazing than food for the body, is food for the soul. What might that be? (Its about to get spiritual up in this blog..) God's word for starters! It does the same thing for your soul that healthy "body food"does for your body. Not to mention, if consumed regularly you get really close to God and start realizing there are little miracles and blessings he uses to communicate with you daily.

Challenge #2- Start you day off not only with breakfast but with a big heaping bowl of God's word and a tall glass of prayer to go with it ;) It does wonders for the rest of your day, trust me.

Anywho, now that im done telling you my life story... here's some recipes!

Latin Vegetarian Omelets

serves: 4

8 eggs
To Taste Salt & Pepper
TT Red Pepper flakes
AN some sort of cheese *I would use mozzarella, but you can use pretty much whatever cheese you like, its best to stay away from a strong overpowering cheese though :p
AN Fat *I say fat because its really up to your preference, you may use butter, veg. oil, olive oil..the possibilities are endless...just don't use baby oil, that would be weird.

For Filling:
*I like doing the filling separately from the raw egg because if you dont use all of it you can always dip some chips into it later!

1 green bell pepper
1 tomato
1/2 onion
1 small clove garlic
1 avocado
juice of 1 lime
TT whole cilantro leaves *I dont put very much because im not huge cilantro fan.
TT Salt & Pepper


1. Whisk the 1st 4 ingredients together and set aside.

2. Small dice the bell pepper, tomato, onion. Mince the garlic. Combine in a clean bowl.

3.Then scoop out the avocado, and squeeze the lime into the bowl of veggies and mix together.

4. Season it with the cilantro leaves, salt and pepper.

5. Pour the 1/4th of the egg mixture into a pan on med. heat, swirl it around to coat the bottom of the pan and let it cook about 2/3rds of the way then add a few spoon fulls of filling.

6. Let it finish cooking then fold it over.

7. Get a plate ready and slide that omelet onto the plate.

8. Repeat for the other three omelets.


1 1/2c flour
3 1/2tsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1Tbsp brown sugar
1 1/4c milk
1 egg
3Tbsp Butter, melted

1. Combine the dry ingredients.

2. Whisk in the liquid ingredients.

3. Oil a med high pan, let the oil get hot then add 1/4th of a cup of pancake batter.

4. Wait until top of the pancake get bubbly and the bottom is browned, then flip it to brown the other side. Repeat with the rest of the batter.

I used some berry syrup and whipped cream because im kind of a fatty like that :)
Hope ya'll enjoy the recipes. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. The omelet was AMAZING....just saying. I love how you involved two of your passions; God and food. Love you Hillary!
